If you choose to follow Jesus through FWC, please let us know by clicking on the button below. This is the start of the most significant journey of your life.

Being baptized in water symbolizes the “old man” dying and the “new man” coming alive, it’s a public confession of what God has done inside you, and that you are following Him.

If you're new to FWC or want to learn more about who we are as a church, then we invite you to join us for the next FWC Discovery Dinner. You'll. hear about the mission of FWC, and meet our team.

We believe that God gave every one of us unique gifts and talents to fulfill the specific purpose He created us for. During this session you will take a personality profile and spiritual gifts assessment. This will help to uncover how your unique design can point you toward your purpose.

Insight Ministries is a Biblical Lay Counseling program of Family Worship Center designed to help those in the church body that are struggling with life issues the opportunity to speak with a trained biblical counselor. Our team can help with navigating through many different topics. 

You are not alone in your situation! The FWC Prayer Team exists comealongside and pray for those in need. If you need some additional support, let us know so that we can help you get connected with others at FWC that understand your struggle and can offer hope. 

Attending an event is a great entry point to get connected with community and make some new friends. Take look and see what's going on this month at FWC

To sign up to have your child dedicated at FWC, please fill out the form linked to button below and a member of our team will contact you to set up a time to attend our dedication class.

The mission of FWC is to lead people to be life-long followers of Jesus Christ and we believe that best happens in a group. There are many life groups that meet throughout the week. We'd love to help you get connected

If you or a loved one is in the hospital and would like a visit or if you are having surgery in the near future and would like someone to pray & visit with you, please click below to sign up. 

Churches in Pueblo